6 warning signs of vaginal dysfunction that women should not ignore.
The health of our vagina is something that we women must pay special attention to because the slightest abnormality in that area could be a warning sign of a more serious health problem than we thought. Many women may overlook certain symptoms out of embarrassment or think that it is normal. But in fact, observing changes in the สนใจสมัคร? คลิกที่นี่เพื่อเริ่มต้น vagina is very important for our own good health. Let’s check out the following 6 warning signs that indicate that your vagina may be having a problem.

6 warning signs that your vagina may be in trouble
1. Abnormal vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge is a fluid that is naturally expelled from the vagina. Its function is to help clean and lubricate the vagina. Normally, vaginal discharge is clear white or slightly cloudy white, odorless or has a mild odor. However, if the vaginal discharge changes in appearance, such as being larger than usual, being yellow, green, or mixed with blood, having a fishy odor, or having a burning or itching sensation, this may be a sign of vaginitis caused by yeast, bacteria, or parasites. You should see a doctor immediately for a diagnosis and proper treatment.
2. There are bumps in the vaginal area.
Having a bump in the vaginal area can be caused by many things, such as inflammation of the hair follicles, an allergic reaction to chemicals from cleaning products, or it could be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease, such as herpes or genital warts. If you find a bump, you should see a doctor immediately to find the cause and receive appropriate treatment. You should not squeeze or pick at the bump yourself, as this could make the symptoms worse.
3. Itching in the vagina
Itching inside the vagina is a very annoying symptom. The most common cause is a vaginal yeast infection, which is often accompanied by a thick white discharge similar to yogurt. Itching can also be caused by an allergic reaction to chemicals, irritation from sanitary pads, or hormonal changes. If the itching is persistent, it is not something to ignore. See a doctor for a diagnosis as soon as possible.
4. Wounds occur without any known cause.
Unexplained vaginal sores are a sign that should not be overlooked, as they may be symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, syphilis, or chancre. These sores can vary in appearance, such as blisters, open sores, or sore wounds.
5. Bleeding during non-menstrual periods
Vaginal bleeding during non-menstrual periods can be caused by a number of factors, including hormonal changes, birth control pills, pregnancy , or it can be a sign of abnormalities of the uterus or cervix, such as tumors or even cervical cancer.
6. The vagina smells.
The vagina naturally has a mild odor. However, if it has an unusual odor, such as a fishy, musty, or rotten odor, it could be a sign of bacterial vaginosis, which often causes a gray or white-gray discharge with a fishy odor.
Regularly observe changes in your body. If you notice any abnormalities, you should consult a doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and treatment. Do not leave it untreated because it may worsen the symptoms and have long-term negative effects on your health.